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Of man doctrines

Published: 12th August 2021

Citation: Astronist Institution. (2021). Of man doctrines. Available: Last accessed [enter date e.g. 15th Aug 2021].

noun  Astrosoteriology

a set of six doctrines forming the basis of soteriology of Astronism including, in chronological order as described in the Sideresis: the scope of man (scoparianism), the controversion of man (contrarianism), the scarring of man (cicatrixarianism), the placement of man (positarianism), the supersedence of man (substitutarianism), and the devolution of man (dispersarianism). There also exists three subdoctrines of man including the elevation of man (elevationism), the hands of man (dutarianism), and the rescope of man (rescoparianism).


Doctrines of humankind
Doctrines of man
Of humankind doctrines


Astro-English: the use of the phrase “of man” reflects the use of this as a theme of the doctrines referred to by the phrase “of man doctrines”; this phrase of course relates to humankind as a whole, the human species and events and phenomena effecting or relevant to all humanity.

Encyclopaedic entry for “Of man doctrines” on

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